Hope everyone has had a happy Easter! Since Andy is in KC working, in good King/Wightman fashion, here is our Easter photo...minus Andy. I thought about photo-shopping him in, but I didn't have the time today. :) Growing up, our Easter photo would be taken in front of whichever tree or bush would be blooming in the yard. Since the blooming season here in Mobile is February, I didn't have anything substantial blooming, so I went for the green backdrop. I did manage to get St. Francis in the photo, (thanks Mom and Dad!)
I went to Spring Hill Presbyterian church this morning because they are known to have the best music in Mobile, and since Andy and I are still looking for a church, I went to check it out. Everyone was right. The choir was great and they were accompanied by brass and timpani. I also was seated by this little old woman who was very sweet. I felt like Grandma Wightman was looking over me this morning only this woman sang all of the hymns down the octave. ;) The service also ended with the Halleluia Chorus which made me very happy because I thought I wasn't going to hear it this year for Easter because I wasn't at Valley View.
Stella and I then went to the beach with our friend Carly and her dog, Tony. Stella had not been to the beach yet and had a great time. She was off her leash and just was frolicking almost like she was in snow. The best part was when she ran up to the water. She was bounding at a good clip and then slammed on the breaks. She did her little head tilt as if trying to figure out why the water was moving and then backed up. I will be very surprised if she ever gets her feet wet. Oh well, she is our big baby. She did love the wind and the sand. It turned out to be cloudy and quite windy, so I didn't get in the water either and didn't get much of a tan. It was still nice to just be there.
I then came home and after talking to the "fam" in KC who were having steaks for dinner, I decided that sounded good. Unfortunately the grocery store that I wanted to get my steak from was closed, so I had to settle for the pre-packaged filet. I did have to call Andy to get his mushroom gravy recipe, but other than that, it turned out really well. I had a baked sweet potato, steamed asparagus and the steak with mushroom gravy. I think I am enjoying this cooking thing. I didn't feel like waiting for the grill outside to get ready, so I used our indoor electric grill (one of those great wedding gifts that we forget to use). It works really well, except it takes twice as long to cook anything. My steak turned out to be a delicious med-rare with 10 minutes on each side. I also opened a bottle of red wine (for the mushroom sauce) and enjoyed that as well. It was a bottle that we purchased at the Mobile Opera wine tasting. It is called Layer Cake Primitivo. Yes, I did have to get it because of the name. Anything with cake must be good... Anyway, if you come across it, you won't be disappointed.
Well the Sound of Music is on and it is at my favorite part, so I must go. Until next time.
It sounds like you had a relaxing Easter! Your comment about that woman singing down an octave cracked me up. I always get too preoccupied with that during church services, and try to mentally force someone to sing in the correct octave. Like, maybe if I just sing louder they'll understand. Unfortunately, I don't think that really works, except to make me seem pretty obnoxious :)
You look very Easter-ey all in white. Cute pic of you and Stella. Love her at the beach. Funny. Can't wait to be there.
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