Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ready for Mardi Gras in Mobile

Well, here I am again slacking on my blogging.  I realized since I don't have any children, I don't have the mothering urgency driving me to blog...and I also feel like I need a picture to blog, so whatever... But... I do have three nephews, so here they are with Grandma and Grandpa in KC at Christmas. 

On to us...we are here in Mobile where it is second in Mardi Gras madness to New Orleans.  Actually for you history buffs, Mardi Gras was first started in Mobile and then moved to New Orleans and the rest is history.  

The first official Mardi Gras parade is this Friday, so I will give weekly updates as to the Mardi Gras Madness that I will be experiencing.  Also just to let you know, Mobile boasts its Family-friendly Mardi Gras, so I don't think I will have to show anything to get beads here. :)  

So right after christmas, people in Mobile almost turn their christmas decorations into Mardi Gras decorations.  The "Giant red bow house" that was down Dauphin street, took the red bows down to reveal giant beads and put up purple toole.  I will try to get a picture, because words just don't describe.  As everyone in my neighborhood started putting up their Mardi Gras flags, I was feeling very under-decorated... I decided I needed a flag!  Now I have never owned a flag for my house, but no time like the present!  

So the flag mission began.  Do you know how difficult it is to find a Mardi Gras flag that doesn't have a  scary jester or mask on it?  Well, Holly came to visit me this past weekend and I took her shopping in Fairhope, AL.  It is a really cute bay-side town that has lots of great shops.  We actually found a really nice flag that came with a pole!!  So thanks again, Holly, now we don't feel like outcasts in the neighborhood.

Side Note: I am finding it very strange that our Northern Magnolia started blooming in January.  In KC, we were lucky if it was blooming for Easter. :)

We had a great time with Holly this weekend!  Andy had his "Songs of the South" concert on Saturday night, so it was really nice to have Holly in the audience with me, so I wasn't the only "Yankee" in attendance.  It was a really great concert where I finally got to hear the "Stars Fell on Alabama" which is the quote on the AL license plate.  The theater was sold-out which made it even more fun and the encore was the Mobile opera singers, symphony, pick-up band, and the entire audience singing "Sweet Home Alabama."  Holly and I even sang along. :)

The best Southern story of the weekend though was when the three of us went to Callaghan's (the one Irish pub in Mobile).  We showed up about 11:45, right at last call, and talked them in to two Guinness and a Harp.  There were about 10 people in the bar, including staff, with 6 of them being us and the three at the table right next to us.  The table next to us was having a bit of an argument, and about 15 minutes later, the woman at the table stood up and yelled to the entire bar "I hate you! I hate this place! And I f***ing hate the South!" She then proceeded to leave the bar.  Before she was out the door, the bartender started singing "Dixie" and the entire bar chimed in!  The other bartender then walked over to the front door and pad-locked us in, so she wouldn't come back.  It was AWESOME!  Only because Holly came to visit, would we have ever been witness to that!  Ahhhh, the South... 

Anywho, until next week when I will have pictures of parades, here are pics of the other Mardi Gras decorations in our house.  

1 comment:

Anne and Joel said...

Megan! I'm so glad you finally updated this! I've been living in the south for around 7 years now, so I'm used to the little idiosyncrasies. It's fun to see another yankee perspective. BTW--your new house is BEAUTIFUL!