Well, I should be in bed because I have to be at work at 6:30 every morning...instead, I just finished putting the Christmas letter together. I thought, I need to put on the blog the picture that didn't make the cut. Yes, there is a bar downtown that is "dog friendly." This was Stella's first time at a bar and she felt right at home...no pun intended. So after we took the "real" Christmas card photo, I had to take this one for the blog.
It doesn't really feel like Christmas to me here in Mobile because it has been in the 70's the past few days. Now it has gotten cold and thankfully I didn't take the scraper out of my car because at 6:30 am even in Mobile there is occasionally frost. Well, we still have a bit of Holiday shopping to finish up and we are getting excited to come to KC for a visit. I know there has been lots of snow in KC, but knowing our luck, it won't snow next week. :)
Hope everyone has very Happy Holidays and talk to you next year!